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The Fire Element in Chinese Medicine: Heart & Small Intestine

A governing principle of Traditional Chinese Medicine is called the “Theory of the 5 Elements.” This theory divides energy (Qi) in its natural form, into five qualities structured around natural elements of Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood.

Each element may push or pull the natural order in our body into an excess or deficiency. The idea in TCM is to ensure that there is no disharmony between these elements. This is where acupuncture and herbal prescriptions come into play to maintain this delicate balance. 

The dynamic energy present during the summer months correlates to fire. This is the most energetic, expansive time of the year. Similar to the sun, Yang energy is at its zenith. 

Going With Your Heart And Your Gut

The heart houses the mind component of the spirit and controls conscious thinking, affections, memory and sleep. Frequently, the heart meridian is used to maintain stasis for emotional and psychological imbalances such as anxiety, insomnia, and depression. When the heart is in balance the person has an enthusiasm for life. On the contrary, an excess of fire can create restlessness.  

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the heart pairs with the small intestine. The small intestine separates, sorts and absorbs the vital nutrients we require. Another way to look at this is through mental processing, during which we file and sort information and decide what to toss and what is important. 

What Influence Does This Have On My Fertility?

In Traditional Chinese medicine, the heart has a connection to the Bao Mai or uterus. This is why mental emotional issues and stress can influence the uterus. The kidneys correlate to the uterus in the form of a channel called the Bao Luo. The heart encompasses the mind as well as hypothalamic and pituitary function. TCM refers to the kidneys as housing Jing (what western medicine refers to as gametes, eggs and sperm).

The heart and the kidneys both share a connection to the uterus, so if they are deficient or imbalanced, Chinese Medicine could refer to this as a diagnostic pattern of the heart and kidney not communicating. In western terms, we would refer to this pattern as HPO (Hypothalmic-Pituitary-Ovarian) dysfunction. 

Below Are More Categories Associated With The Fire Element:

  • viscera: heart

  • bowels: small intestine - controls receiving and transforming, separates fluids

  • sense organ: tongue

  • tissue: blood vessels

  • emotion: joy

  • season: summer

  • environmental factors: heat

  • growth and development: growth

  • color: red

  • taste: bitter

Spirit: houses the mind component of the spirit and controls conscious thinking, affections, memory and sleep.  

Frequently the heart meridian is used for emotional and psychological imbalances such as anxiety, insomnia, and depression.

To read more on another summer condition,‘Summer Heat’, check out our other blog post HERE.

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