Posts tagged general health
6 Ways To Give Your Immune System The Ultimate Boost

Obviously, immune function has been on the forefront of everyone’s mind in the last year. We all know the immune system’s number one job is to fight off disease and infections. It is an EASY system to take for granted as we get busy so here is a gentle reminder to keep this system in mind!

Remember things like an unbalanced diet, smoking, drinking and too much sugar can weaken the immune system, so avoiding these less than favorable habits can improve your odds. Let’s walk through a few important areas to consider in boosting our immune function.

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Period Tracker Apps: Why and Which One?

Everyone’s favorite question in a doctor’s visit, “what is the day of your last period?” Might seem like a random inquiry to some, but knowing where you are in your cycle is a very significant diagnosing tool. So, what cycle day are you on? If you don’t know the answer to that question, then you should consider tracking today.

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Period Headaches: Why We Get Them & What To Do With Them

A few days before a women’s period, there is a sharp decline in estrogen and progesterone. This abrupt hormonal shift can be the cause of these headaches and other PMS symptoms. There is also a strong correlation between estrogen and progesterone levels and serotonin levels in the brain.

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The All Powerful Peony Root: Si Wu Tang

There are four herbs in the Chinese formula Si Wu Tang, or Four Ladies decoction. This formula is a great example of the power of the single herbs themselves, and how together the herbs in the formula become more effective and powerful as a whole.

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